Tutor teaches at student’s home. Tutor helps students with homework assignments and helps them prepare for their tests during the week. In addition, the tutor also reteaches basic lessons to weak students or prepares them for the new lesson in class the next day.
Tutors use modern online techniques to help students do homework & they can still discuss comfortably during the session. The online program is convenient because students can study anywhere there is internet and don't have to worry about weather or other reasons that tutors cannot go to student's home. The online program has been effective in over 50 US states & Canada for many years.
- Tutor-on-Demand: Students can choose the tutor they want to study with based on the tutor's availability. They can make appointment with the tutor based on the time they choose. The minimum you can study is 1 hour. Tutor can help you with the area below:
- Instant Help: If you need any immediate answer to your schoolwork, Math problem, Science question, etc., our tutor will get back to you within 15 - 60 minutes.
*Tutor-on-Demand and Instant Help are 1 on 1 services, and these services do not require any membership registration or any contract commitment. If you need any consultation on these services, contact us on Let's Chat section in the home page.
*Weekdays: The in-center tutoring program with 4-5 students / class will increase the lively for learning. Students will learn actively and do homework when they study with their friends. The afterschool tutoring classes is open from Monday to Thursday from 5:30 pm to 7 pm.
*Weekend: The afterschool program is on Saturday from 2:30 to 4:00 pm for busy parents who are not scheduled to attend the weekday classes.
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